For What is Your Life? : A Mere Tent.


How many of us really look forward to leaving life as we know it?

I know this is a very sensitive topic, eerie even. But let’s talk about it. 

Paul referred to our bodies as tents. Imagine this: If you purchased land, would you set a tent up to live in as a permanent dwelling place? Would you put a little garden around it with a little white picket fence and a paved driveway up to it? Would you put down carpet on the inside, with furniture, potted plants, and paintings on the inside walls? Nahh probably not, right? And why not? Because we understand that a tent, no matter how enjoyable and functional is really a very temporary thing. In no time weather, wear, and tear would have that little tent ragged, tattered, and torn. Think of our lives as such. We spend so much of our (fleeting) time looking to attain specific goals including wealth, homes, cars, degrees, and whatever else, not bearing in mind that this will all be over, very soon. 

It took me a while to arrive here: but I am ELATED that this life as I know it will be over soon. In verse 2, Paul said, “For in this tent we groan, longing to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling" — this resonated deeply within my soul. Aren’t you tired of the constant hustle and bustle? The mental (& physical) anguish? The sadness? The disappointment? The spiritual warfare? The grief that comes with losing loved ones?  — Imagine being reunited with our Creator in a place where none of that exist. Imagine being free from constant anxiety as it relates to bills, taxes, and high blood pressure… and guess what? We will have new, glorified bodies! (2 Corinthians 5:3) Because we live in a fallen, sin- ravaged world, I have made peace with the fact that I will never experience perpetual peace and true happiness until I am seated at the feet of Jesus.

As believers, we often lose sight of what’s truly important. We are constantly chasing after material possessions and societal expectations, but these things do not bring lasting fulfillment or true happiness. It is imperative to remember that our ultimate goal is to live a life of praise, glory,and honor to God and service to others, guided by our faith and values. Am I saying that it is wrong to enjoy earthly blessings? Absolutely not. The writer of Ecclesiastes tells us—“It is good and fitting for one to eat and drink and enjoy the good of all his labor in which he toils under the sun all the days of his life which God gives him; for it is his heritage” (Eccl. 5:l8) The problem comes when we devote all of our time to the body and none to the spirit. This approach feeds the body but starves the spirit.

Brothers and sisters, let us remember to love one another as God has commanded, and to spread his message of love and salvation to those around us. With the Holy Spirit guiding us, we can fulfill God's will and bring glory to His name. May we all strive to strengthen our relationship with God and each other, and may His love shine through us in all that we do. This is key to leading a spiritual healthy lifestyle. 

May these words not simply be read and forgotten, but instead, may they inspire you to take action and make a positive impact in your life spiritually, as well as the lives of those around you. 

Grace and Peace 

-P. C.