Is GOD Calling Us to Holiness or Happiness? (Part 2)
“So you must live as God’s obedient children. Don’t slip back into your old ways of living to satisfy your own desires. You didn’t know any better then. But now you must be holy in everything you do, just as GOD who chose you is holy.” - 1 Peter 1:14-15 NLT
What exactly is holiness?
Simply put, it is freedom from contamination. In a spiritual context, it can also refer to having a clear and righteous mindset, free from negative thoughts and emotions. It can also involve purity of actions, living a life of integrity and consistently making choices that align with one's beliefs and values. Ultimately, holiness is about striving towards a state of wholeness and purity, both internally and externally, and living a life that is pleasing to the Creator of the universe, GOD Almighty.
Now, let's define happiness:
It is a subjective emotion that can be experienced in various ways. It can be accompanied by positive feelings such as joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment. Happiness can also be influenced by external factors such as relationships, achievements, and material possessions. Ultimately, happiness is a complex and individual experience that can vary from person to person.
While happiness is an inner emotional quality as well as a state of mind, holiness is different. As we strive toward holiness, our hearts should be filled with love and obedience towards God. While happiness is a temporary feeling that can fluctuate, holiness is a lifelong pursuit and commitment to living a life that is pleasing to God. It requires sacrifice, discipline, and a strong determination to resist temptation and follow God's will. Ultimately, holiness leads to an eternal reward and a deep fulfillment that surpasses any fleeting happiness.
In my observation, many of us who identify as Christians in America tend to have a "lukewarm" approach to our faith. We seek to satisfy our earthly desires, even if they distract us from fullfilling our true purpose: holiness. We spend majority of our time pursuing our own good rather than the goodness of GOD, and the good of others. We come to “church” simply out of tradition. This is what we’ve been doing all of our lives. This is what we know. We come to check off a box. “Well .. I went to ‘church’ today…..” — but woefully, we dont truly believe the commandments/precepts of the one we call Lord.
We spend a great amount of our time seeking to delight in earthly "success" in hopes of feeling a sense of security, disregarding that true security can come from GOD and him alone. A spouse can not complete you, neither can fame, a house, car, a phD, money, or a career. Take a moment to think about a certain "thing" you've so desperately desired, and was finally able to attain said thing. Do you recall the initial excitement you felt once you finally received it? Do you still today have that the same exciting feeling today, or is that feeling long gone? (more than likely that feeling has passed, right?)
Happiness is a feeling, holiness is a choice. The pursuit of happiness is often based on fleeting emotions that can change like the wind. However, holiness is a deeper and more meaningful concept, as it involves living out God's purpose every day as a dedicated act of worship. Therefore, it is important to question whether we are simply chasing after temporary feelings or truly living into our divine calling.
"Another question we might ask is, 'Does God want us to be happy or holy?' The answer is “yes” because there is not a dichotomy between happiness and holiness in God’s eyes, but there is an order. Meaning, we are to pursue one and experience the other. Yet many (if not most) confuse which is pursued, and which is experienced.
We are called to pursue holy lives first: “Be holy, for I am holy” (Lev. 11:44; 1 Pet. 1:16). This unites us with the character and likeness of God, who is holy. Because we must start by living according to his character, his nature, and not our own. This is an active choice that requires work; it’s not something we passively experience." - Phil McKinney
[Bible Ref commentary]: “We know our GOD is ‘holy’, set apart, ‘other’ from the rest of fallen creation. What we may not realize is that we, too, are made to be holy, set apart, ‘other’ from the rest of humankind. In Christ, we are holy. In Christ, we must live as holy people live.”
True happiness can only be achieved through living a life of true holiness. These two concepts are inherently intertwined and cannot be separated. While it may be tempting to chase after temporary pleasures and superficial forms of happiness, true fulfillment and joy can only be found by pursuing a life of holiness and aligning oneself with the character and nature of God. May we all choose to prioritize holiness over fleeting happiness, and in doing so, experience a deeper and more meaningful sense of contentment and fulfillment.
It is my hope that Holy Spirit will awaken us from our spiritual slumber and prick our hearts to have a reverent fear for the all- powerful GOD. I pray that these words aren’t just meaningless, empty phrases on a page for you. May we all choose the right pursuit.
Grace and Peace